Online coaching work management course Attend via the Zoom application for free Presented by / Dr. Nasser Al-Fraih on 10/24/2022 at 5 pm Kuwait time via the Zoom application
The importance of training on the self-practising coach The Life Coaching system The training systems are the first in the Arab world An internationally accredited qualification system from British
The course of practicing the rules of renewal for your life, a one-day training program that aims to enhance your capabilities in increasing your ability to improve your mental and cognitive skills, With each rule you can establish clear solutions for your life.
دورة ممارسة قواعد التجديد لحياتك برنامج تدريبي ليوم واحد تهدف الي ان تعزز قدراتك في زياده قدرتك في تحسين مهارتك الذهنيه والادراكية ، مع كل قاعده تستطيع تأسيس حلول واضحه لحياتك .
Joining the fellowship starts from the date of registration and the stage of learning and studying the prescribed subjects takes place. The subjects are studied distributed over the weeks of the prescribed period, based on a curriculum (subject) for each week
الانضمام للزمالة يبدأ منذ تاريخ التسجيل ويتم مرحلة التعلم والدراسة للمواد المقررة، ويتم دراسة المواد موزعة على أسابيع المدة المقررة وبواقع منهج (مادة) لكل أسبوع
The advantages of your membership in the coaching fellowship Practicing work as a life mentor requires an organization or representative of businesses and disciplines that support coaching professionals. Life Coach
The importance of affiliation with the work team fellowship and your presence with a distinguished group working in the areas of providing training, advice, guidance and guidance to people, The opportunity to work, spread, communicate and provide services to your customers. Life Coach
اهمية الانتساب إلى زمالة فريق العمل وجودك مع مجموعة متميزة تعمل في مجالات تقديم التدريب والنصح والإرشاد والتوجيه للناس، فرصة العمل والانتشار والتواصل وتقديم الخدمات لعملائك . لايف كوتش
The coach is a successful model. This may be a presupposition when we say that the coach is a successful model. The coach model is one of the most important means of your success in your work as a mentor. We can say that your success in the personality in which you live affects your level of success in your work as a mentor.