Five Habits that Destroy Your Future
Our habits are a way of life by virtue of our dealings with individuals. The habits of an individual today are a microcosm of his future tomorrow. What you plant today, you will eat the fruits tomorrow. Habits shape the character of the individual. and make us differentiate between people, Your habits are your special mark and your distinctive lifestyle, whether positive or negative. customs, is a fixed way of thinking, wanting, or feeling, acquired through the previous iteration of a mental experience.
Focusing on the lives of others
Stop self-sabotaging yourself! Your time is the most precious thing you have, do not waste it on the lives of others, give it to your life only. to your goals and ambitions. Staying in the present requires focus (Elizabeth Gilbert). Make that thing you focus on your life, your goals, your success, your relationships, Use it to get closer to God. Be kind to those younger than you and respectful to those older than you. be a good listener, helped that i could, But don’t focus on a life that isn’t yours, Take care of yourself, develop and nurture it, as it will make you successful and happy in your future. Don’t wait for other people’s mistakes or successes. don’t be envious, If you are not a hero in your life, it is obvious that you will be (like a warrior) in the life of others. Your focus on the lives of others will steal the time you have been given to develop your life and reach your goals. Are you willing to waste your time on nothing?
2- Reprimand/ judge and Blame
According to psychologists, blame and reprimand are the most dangerous manifestations of negative thinking. Every difficulty, disappointment, or even defeat you encountered was not a passing coincidence in your life. Every sadness, brokenness, and pain you felt deep inside of you was a signal to rebuild yourself. No matter how fallen you are, you are not weak or less than others. Your details, God does not put you in a position that exceeds your ability. Negative reprimand puts you in the position of self-defense, which results in a negative reaction because you feel weak and that you are a victim who always seeks to prove that you are not at fault, which leads to feelings of isolation and loss, that you are a person without value and that you are less than others, all of which are negative feelings that make you feel frustrated and failed. As for blame, it is that internal poison that afflicts a person, runs through his veins and is stored in the subconscious mind, preventing you from using your capabilities in searching for a solution to your problems. For failure, cowardice, the inability to face problems and accept mistakes is the other side of I don’t deserve all feelings that raise the level of anger with sadness. A road that ends in depression, and you can imagine what comes after that
3- Laziness and Procrastination
laziness is an unforgivable sin, Studies revealed that laziness and physical inactivity caused the death of many people around the world. It is no less dangerous than smoking. Laziness is an isolated condition. But it affects the family, society and the nation as a whole. Because it leads to the loss of the productivity of one of its children, And the greatest catastrophe is when laziness becomes a general condition for many members of society. Every success, progress or achievement in your life requires will, persistence, Effort and determination exceed the damages of laziness to others. The lazy father harms his entire family – young and old – as this results in his financial income being reduced. Likewise, his concern for his family, and this applies to every official. whether in management, or institution, or workshop, or something else, This will undoubtedly affect the national income. Procrastination We always used to hear the phrase “Don’t postpone today’s work until tomorrow” echoing in our ears since childhood. Procrastination is a nightmare for many. As it prevents individuals from accomplishing their work and achieving their goals, which would generate a feeling of lack of productivity, Frustration, depression, and more than what may cross your mind, the first thing you should do is to be alone and restructure your thoughts. Then consider what are the biggest obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals? And try to find simple practical solutions to pass it. Of course, the obstacles differ from person to person in the public and private sectors. At the level of joint-stock and non-stock companies. In the lives of individuals and groups.
Procrastination is the poison that spoils business, breaks hopes, and wastes resources, the most important of which is (the time and effort spent in planning, feasibility studies, and employee enthusiasm).
4- Dribbling, spinning and spinning
The dribbler is persona non grata among the team or the community, Reliance on ambiguity in speech and double decision make the individual subject to doubt. Twisting, spinning, and lack of clarity create discomfort for the recipients. Which makes them alienate from the deceiver and avoid him, then the deceiver feels rejected by him, which traps him in his isolation, generating for him a feeling of rejection and distrust. And a lot of negative feelings that may lead him to more than frustration.
The normal normal situation for transactions is clarity, frankness, and transparency, but there are people who master the method of turning and turning, and when you interact with them, you feel that you are not in a humane treatment, but you are in a battle, and a lot of your time is wasted. Dealing with them files and making an intense effort to reach an explanation for their behavior.
The method of spinning and spinning is not taught to anyone, and it is not an invention or a discovery, but it is a method of dealing with some. It is a kind of culture of interaction. And if we meet with this kind of people, we must pause and adjust the direction in this relationship.
Just by contacting them, you may come out of it while you feel dizzy, or you may get a headache from too much focus trying to understand them and their vague, unclear behavior, and with the passage of time. This person who uses this method loses credibility even if he wins the dialogue. He does not acknowledge the truth of his intention, so he resorts to evasion, and this person is by nature a coward, so if he was brave, he would have the ability to confront the subject under discussion.