Coach and psychological counselor course

350.000 د.ك

A training product ready for online training, registered and internationally accredited. Get it now


  • Scientific article PDF
  • Video visual material
  • PDF Practical Exercises
  • Online payment service
  • Certificate approved by the Professional Life Coach Qualification System for Training and Guidance in Britain, PDF

Coach and psychological counselor course

Program Goals

  • Knowledge of basic treatments through guidance and counseling
  • Motivational coaching practice.
  • Practicing supportive psychological coaching
  • Rehabilitation in the specialty of basic psychological counseling
  • Learn about guidance work methods

content of the programme

  • Practical Psychological Guidance
  • Method of mentor and mentor dialogue in sessions
  • Methods of setting goals for guidance
  • Read the customer’s personality
  • Understanding and modifying behavior

return from the programme

  • The possibility of directive and counseling work
  • Business management for personal counseling sessions
  • Get a good foundation for working as a mentor
  • Launching into your work as a personal and psychological mentor
  • Qualification as a specialist in counseling and guidance


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