25 September، 2023

How can you dialogue as a coach

How you can dialogue as a coach Dialogue is an interactive process between two or more people in which they exchange ideas and opinions and seek to reach a common understanding and solutions to problems. Dialogue is an essential tool in the process of personal and professional development.
11 December، 2022

Five Habits that Destroy Your Future

Five habits that steal your future Our habits are a way of life by virtue of our dealings with individuals. The habits of an individual today are a microcosm of his future tomorrow. What you plant today, you will eat the fruits tomorrow. Habits shape the character of the individual. And it makes us differentiate between people
25 January، 2021

Coaching for a Life Renewal

Coaching for a renewed life It is important in our lives to look at the culture of renewal. Renewal is not motivated by change. Rather, renewal is in the transition to better gains. Or move on to success or into relationships that are more connected to your relationship.
24 January، 2021

Distinguished coaching in work management

Distinguished coaching in work management Some businesses are distinguished by being distinguished in building communication relationships with customers, and coaches around the world have excelled in maintaining their relationships and excelling in their relationships.
13 December، 2020

The Coach is Self-Confident

You may ask what is the relationship between guidance and self-confidence, and the answer is that there is a necessary relationship between self-confidence and guidance. It is not now that he succeeds in a task related to people's interests and goals, and he may not show them a sufficient degree of self-confidence.
8 December، 2020

The coach is more than a mentor and guide

When we talk about titles, we can talk about a specific nature of work and each profession. However, when we talk about the coach, we are talking about the nature of the work that expands to include several other jobs besides. It is possible to follow the mental and know what it means to be a person working with several jobs that suit the needs of people and your customers.
5 November، 2020

Coach development to manage your life

The coach is a development to manage your life. In our daily life, we have many necessary tasks. The more we accomplish, the more life tasks increase. and even social duties, And communication with work is all necessary tasks for us. The coach usually exercises his duties in a way that tends to be practical management.
27 October، 2020

Being able to manage your life

Being able to manage your life Everyone is unaware of the importance of the messages that the mind exercises and affects your life. The goal of formulating messages is to support the conversation you are thinking about and enhance your confidence in success, growth, purposeful thinking, and positive interest thinking.
29 June، 2020

The future of your business is a life coach

The future of your business is a life coach. Coaching extends to include new areas of work, and in order to succeed in your work as a mentor, you must lead yourself in the practice of mentoring, which depends on your growth in the guidance that you practice in your specialty, within the areas of your life, your profession, and with your relationships.