Welcome to the Coaching Professional Qualification Academy

An academic educational institution that provides training and professional education to give professional qualification and support to the practice of self-employment and participation in the development of professional personality.

Basic Qualification Levels

Personal Self-Coaching

A wonderful journey of self-development and discovering the potential of oneself. It means directing yourself towards your goals and achieving the best version of yourself. Here are some ideas to help you start your journey Clive Coach Self

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Life Coach Practitioner

It traines all the details of the basics and practices in the field of practical coaching communication. Counseling and Goals Buuilding

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Life Coach Specialist

A curriculum and application system that parallels the Life Coach and Specialized materials that increase the coach's ability to communicate and deal with all cases

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Professional Life Coach Diploma

A group of 7 specialized sets in vocational coaching topical for working in the coaching field.

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Accredited Professional Diplomas

The Importance of Qualifying as a Life Coach

The Specialized Life Coach that suits all clients. The coach can communicate and deal with all life circumstances and goals that clients need and for all life issues.
The coach is required for an uptodate qualification, that combines the curricula of developmental, therapeutic and cognitive psychology, administrative psychology, management and leadership disciplines, and intelligence development programs.

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